Thursday, January 31, 2008

I have to tell you all about this book that I just got finished reading this week!I just finished Bill Gaither's 'It's more than the music'. This book is phenomenal. It is a little out of date but inspirational and informational nonetheless. I loved it. If you are a fan of Bill Gaither, you need to read this book. This book gives you the history behind the homecoming series and it really showed me how down to earth Bill & Gloria Gaither are. You learn a lot about their family, life lessons that they have learned and some stories behind some of the songs that they have written. It is a great read and I encourage any southen Gospel Music Fan to get it. But beware, once you start, it is hard to stop!

You know, just being days away from seeing my favorite gospel group ever has really got me excited. In about 8 days (check the counter to the right, there>>) I will be up in Nashville meeting and hearing Ernie Haase & Signature Sound along with Mr. Gaither and his homecoming friends. I am so excited! I know this is a short post but I felt like my blog had been a little neglected. I am really looking forward to Nashville in a few days. Now, hopping back over to the message board....

Check out Ernie Haase & Signature Sound online!
Check out Bill & Gloria Gaither online!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

I'm So Glad I'm a Part of The Family Of God!

My Heavenly Father has really touched me over the past few days and I feel such a closeness with other christians that makes me so glad to be a part of the family of God. Gloria and Bill Gaither wrote a wonderful song about belonging to the family of God and how precious it is, and I see it now more than ever. As a member of the Ernie Haase & Signature Sound Message Board, I have entered the greatest network of people, I believe, that I will ever know this side of heaven. Despite some of us having never met each other, we love each other and pray daily. As a person who has never seen EHSS in concert, they have really taken care of me. One of the most precious angels here on earth called me from the Toledo concert last night and allowed me to hear our guys it was magical and I felt the spirit of the Lord over the phone. Isn't it amazing how god touches us like that!?

I just want to praise God's name for all the wonderful blessings that he has given me already this year. I have made some amazing new friends in the family of God and he has blessed me with so many things, it is hard to mention them all. I sometimes feel like I am not serving him to the fullest of my ability, even when I am feeling like I am giving God all that I have. I just want to give him everything I am, everything I have been, and everything I will be. He sent his son to die on the cross for my sins. I think I should give him everything I have for him. I dont know how some people turn this gift away. Oh What a Savior we serve.

I enjoy writing these blogs and just being able to pour my thoughts out to you all. If you enjoy, leave me a comment. They really help encourage me when my days get down. Thank God for all of you. I am so Glad to be a part of The Family Of God!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

So what shall we say about this? If God be with us, who can defeat us?
Romans 8:31

Hello All! Well today has certainly been a wonderful day here in Tennessee. I have begun the second half of my Senior year in High School and I am looking forward to all the things that this year will bring! I have been reading a very good book by Rick Warren called 'The Purpose-Driven Life'. It has really helped me this week by showing me that th things that we do on this old earth, really are just preparing us for the things to come. I am only on the 5th chapter but it has helped me see life more clearly now and it really makes me want to serve the Lord more than I ever have before. Suddenly, things dont matter anymore compared to all the glory waiting me up in that heavenly land.

In the midst of reading this book, I have to ask myself, am I doing what God put me here for? I am not sure but every time that I pray, I ask God to show me what I should be doing for him. I feel like I am doing the right thing but sometimes I don't know. That is probably Satan trying to throw me off of what I should really be doing for my Lord. Southern Gospel music has really helped me get through some hard times recently with the messages in the songs. I know that whoever wrote these songs got the messages from our Lord. I believe the Lord knew that somewhere down the road, D.J. Plunk was going to need some encouragement, along with some other people as well. It is amazing how good God is to us and how important he made each of our lives to be. Sometimes when I think of how amazing God is, I don't think that I could do anything that would compare in order to receive his riches. And in actual reality, that is the truth. There is nothing that we can do for our Lord that would measure in comparison to anything close.

I hope that you all get the opportunity to read this book and see how important your lives are. I read is as a supplement to my bible and it really helps me understand things better. Our sermon this morning was about how the disciples were more concerned about God coming back and ruling on earth, they were missing out on 'The Great Commission', they were missing out on what they should really be doing for the Lord! I don't want us to miss our on what we should really be doing with our lives because truth be told, we are only here for so long and that is to do God's Will and I don't want to miss out on that do you?!

God Bless You All,
In His Service,
DJ Plunk

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

At the beginning of 2008, I begin to think about all the things the Lord will do through me this year. I am currently listening to Ernie Haase & Signature Sound's (as always) 'The Ground is Level' CD it is so wonderful. It just really makes me want to lift up my hands to the Lord and just praise him for being the Almighty God that he is! This CD is filled with so many good songs. It is an older CD but a great one nonetheless. Ernie Haase really formed a great group and I have just enjoyed them so much. They will never know how much they mean to me.

Even through Signature Sound, I have made a whole new family, thanks to Ernie! He created a message board on his website and it has really helped me meet a whole new group of people that I love! Ernie really takes care of his "loyal followers" and had the shirt to the left made. I really love all of them. We encourage each other, we lift up each other to the lord, and we all love Ernie Haase & Signature Sound. On February 8, 2008, I will be traveling to Nashville, Tennessee to see Bill Gaither & His Homecoming Friends in concert and I will get to meet the group after following them like I have it will be a blessing and I am really looking forward to what is going to happen!

The Lord has been weighing heavily on my heart about where I am going to work for him in his music ministry. I am not sure what the Lord's plan is for me but I have a feeling it is going to be big. I can tell that my Message Board family has been praying for me because it does not seem as heavy on me as it has been. Lately, I just really find comfort in God's Word. I love to read it and I love to see what the Lord is going to say to me on that particular day. He has really blessed me lately. I have been reading Acts and how Paul and Silas were going through tough times, yet, they sang praises to their Lord and the Lord took all the shackles from their feet and set them free. What a Savior We Serve. In this brave move, Paul and Silas converted the guard at the jail, as well as his entire family! It is so amazing what the Lord can do through one person. I will leave you with this. This 2008, I look forward to more posts and I am very excited to see what the Lord is going to do trough this blog. I am going to try and post more than once every week, but we will see what happens. I hope you are enjoying these glimpses into my Spiritual Life. I hope that it helps you in some way. If you do read it, leave me a comment it really helps encourage me!

In His Service,
DJ Plunk