Thursday, February 14, 2008

Nearer, Oh God, To thee

Alright, so I have a little time off from school this week (4 days to be exact) and I thought I would be doing a little blogging. Be looking forward to a couple of new entries over the next couple of days as I begin to take an in depth look at the book of Psalms.

This section of Psalms really seemed to touch my heart this week. As some of you know, my church has been going through some trouble recently (which I won't get it to---just pray!) and it has really caused a lot of stress and discomfort in my life because church and God is my life--I mean really, what else is there? well, I have EHSS but you know, thats a given! LOL you know I love you guys!

Tonight I have been looking at Psalms 42. In my bible it is titled 'Wishing to be near to God'. I have prayed this week that God will grant me peace and comfort from deep within that I know only he can provide. God is the only provider of that life saving peace. In this psalm, there are a couple of verses I want to look at and commentate tonight.

The first is this:

As a deer thirsts for streams of water, so I thirst for you God. I thirst for the living God. When can I go meet with him? Psalm 42: 1-2

This has a lot of meaning. One, is the psalmists deep, eternal thirst for God. He wants to know him, know more about him and to love him. I think this is the desire of all true, born-again Christians. We all have the desire to know and love him more and more than we ever have. The wonderful thing about God is that his love is so vast. You could never reach the bottom. Daily, we only scratch the surface of the capacious mind of God! Notice, the psalmist also says that he searches for the living God. Praise the Lord that our God is living! He is alive and reigning on high and all we have to do is trust in him and we are guaranteed to get to go up there and be with him. He also says, 'When can I go meet with him?'. I have asked this so many times this week. I just bask daily in the fact that I know that once in that beautiful, holy city, there will be no pain or sorrow or STRESS! We will all be happy and be praising God in that great wondrous chorus up above! Thats a lot of meaning in two little verses, huh?

The other verse that "struck a chord" with me so to speak is this:
Why am I so sad? Why am I so upset? I should put my hop in God and
keep praising him, my savior and my God! Psalm 42:11

This is actually the last verse of this very short psalm. This is such a testament in itself. Why should we be sad and upset? We are not of this world. I think sometimes, more often than not, we allow the things of this world to drag us down. We allow people who trick us to drag us down into the depths of despair. We must remember, we are not of this world. We were not made for this world and the quicker we realize this, I believe, the better off we are! This verse also makes God closer and more personal by actually saying 'my God'. Sometimes it seems like, with all of the worlds problems, it is impossible for God to truly pay any attention to you! But, PTL that God is much bigger than we could ever be! He is my God, and I will praise his name forever and ever. Just a little commentary tonight on Psalm 42!

I want to remind everyone that tomorrow night at 7:30 CST on Daystar they will be televising LIVE the Gaither 'Give It Away' Homecoming Tour from Fort Worth, TX. This is bound to be a wonderful show because Nashville was truly awesome! I know that FT. Worth will be wonderful as well!

Well, I love you all and I hope and pray that you allow God to be drawn closer to you this week. If you would, leave me a comment and let me know what you think about this. I never know if anyone is even reading this. I just put it on here because I love my Lord and I try in every endeavor to serve him!


Jennifer said...

You really have a heart for getting 'into' the scriptures. I have enjoyed reading this and hope to see many more. Short, sweet, simple, and true....can't get any better than that!
Keep it up!
