Alright, I figure I have kept everyone waiting long enough. Paducah was absolutely amazing and the new music that the guys tried out on us was absolutely amazing. I know those going to Chicago are really going to be blessed. When Lindsey and I told Doug that we were not going to be there (School ) He said that he would send us a bus and we could run up there for the night and the bus would bring us back. Thanks Doug, I appreciate the offer! The guys were in tip-top shape last night. We arrived at the Carson Center (a beautiful theatre by the way) about 10 til 5. We went in and I immediately spotted Jen, Lindsey and Linda. They were at their seats which were two rows directly in front of us. We shared some hugs and then they went out to the Product Table. The Louise and Carolyn came up and we had our pictures made.
The show got started right at 6 with two local radio DJs introducing the guys and telling about some Gaither Tix they would be giving away that night. The guys came on out and I was on my feet screaming and shouting. The new songs were great!
They included:
The Right Place, The Right Time
My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me
Glory To God In The Highest
The Plan of Salvation
Chicago is my kind of Town - Ernie decided that he and Wayne would write a song about Paducah for the next time they are there.
Reason Enough
Dream On - Very Touching! It definitely applied to my life!
Between the Cross & Heaven
Out of Bondage - This song is so AWESOME!
The Old Landmark
Don't Worry, Be Happy
Happy Birthday, Anniversary Too
I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
Are You Enjoying the Show?
Sundays Are Made For These
Then Came The Morning
Get Away Jordan
Intermission - At this point me, my Grandmother, Jen, Lindsey and Linda went outside. The lines to the bathrooms were really long and I think I remember Jen saying, "I will risk a kidney stone before I stand in that line." We then met Bro. Jim and his wife Tammy and I bought the bobblehead and the self-titled CD at the Product Table. Bro. Jim and I realized that the product Table was empty so we went back in the theatre for the second half of the show!
The second half was absolutely amazing. Some new ones, some old ones and so much energy. Ernie is an excellent speaker and "preacher". He knows just what to say and I believe that the Lord used him to speak to my heart last night. He said
They also sang:
Love Is Like A River
He Made A Change
Never Give Up, Never Give In
John In The Jordan
Till We Fly Away
Since Jesus Passed By
God Give This Child A Good Heart
We Need Each Other--Reach Out
O What A Savior
Reprise of Get Away Jordan
Jen, Lindsey, Linda, me and My grandmother waited for the crowd to clear out and then we went out. My Grandmother LOVES Tim and we went over there to get her picture made with him. While she was taking my picture with Tim she said, "You didn't sing 'Happy Rhythym'. Thats my favorite song you do!". Suddenly, Tim starts in "There's a happy rhythym thats a-rockin and a-rollin". He was just singing! I was hoping he would smile long enough to take my picture. My grandmother was on cloud 9 when he started singing her favorite song lol. Me, Jen, Lindsey, and Linda and my grandmother talked with Doug a little bit about Chicago and Doug was a little bummed that Lindsey and I weren't going to make it. Thats when he mentioned the "bus". We went over to Ernie and talked with him for a little bit. I got him to sign his bobblehead for me and then I took out the article in Homecoming Magazine for him to sign and he was like "Whats this?" He hadn't sen it yet and he didn't even know that it was in there. He signed it as well and then we all decided it was time to run over to IHOP.
We got to IHOP and we had an awesome time. We discovered its a little difficult to decide what you want to have when you eat at IHOP LINDSEY!. But we made it. I think this afternoon I will have a bed of greens for lunch this afternoon. Sorry - thats an inside joke.
I had an awesome time Jen, Lindsey and Linda! Wait till Nashville with the 5 of us waiting in line up there, there is no telling what kind of trouble we will get in. Maybe it won't be 105 degrees. If so, I will have fans for everyone!
Thanks Ernie, Ryan, Tim, Doug, David, and Frank for making this a night that I will never forget. You all really made this one of the best nights of my life. Jen, Lindsey and Ms. Linda: You guys are great, I never dreamed that we would have that much fun. We spent three hours in that IHOP. It was the best three hours ever!
Well Here are my pictures and there are many of them. There is one video on there but there are more to come. I will get them posted on here sometime tonight or tomorrow maybe.
I had an awesome time and the blessings are still flowing!
Paducah Pictures