Monday, June 23, 2008

Taking a Stand for SSQ

Taking a Stand for SSQ

After a wonderful night in Nashville with Ernie, Ryan, Tim and Doug, I was on a concert high that no one could bring me down from. The next day, I was approached by someone who asked me how SSQ was in Nashville. I said, "Amazing, as always!" I know he had to have sensed my excitement. Suddenly, he started shaking his head and pointed right at me and said, "I have no time for that Garbage." I couldn't believe my ears!

With my heart completely broken over what he said, I knew then and there that I was going to have show people what it is that I love about these guys. Of Course, the guy who told me that sang in a quartet and when he got on stage, he said they weren't going to get up there and "dance a jig," obviously another jab at EHSS. And then, to top it all off, they sang "Oh, What A Savior" and tried to get him to pull a high one on "Then I'll join...." but, alas, he was defnitely no Ernie Haase.

Well, I was so apalled I texted my SSQ Partner-In-Crime and told her that someone had just totally dissed the guys. I told her a serious blog post was coming and I was going to do some biblical research and make a post about this. You know, it is interesting how even people in our own christian community judge other brothers and sisters in the waythat they do. That is very, very hypocrital. In Matthew 7:1 the bible says "Judge Not, that you be not judged."

Therefore let us stop passing judgement on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block in your brothers way. Romans 14:13

We need to be very careful what we say about God's servants. God has called each and every one of his people to do a special service for him. We must be careful not to put down God's work. Talk about judging.....

Other people say that the dancing is not reverant to the Lord, and I will agree, there is a time to dance. But, I have seen these guys stand completely still in total reverance to the Lord while singing songs like 'Reason Enough' and 'I then Shall Live.' Most only see the one or two songs that SSQ dances on and they just completely write them off. Well, listen here, in my bible, it tells how people praised the Lord for things done in their lives by dancing. So how then, can we say that christians don't dance, by golly, they do!

Look at this verses:

Let them praise his name with dancing and make music to him with tambourine and harp. Psalm 149:3

Praise his name with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute.

Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. 'Your brother has come home,' he replied, 'and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound. Luke 15:25

David, wearing a linen ephod danced before the Lord with all his might. 2 Samuel 6:14-23.

Obviously, the bible does not speak against dancing as a form of worship and allowing it to accompany worship and praise. Although, today, dancing has often become 'wordly' but that does not mean that it still can't be done in fun with praise to our savior.

What really upsets me is that the people who want to put SSQ down, don't even know these guys and don't even give them a chance. They are one Southern Gospel Group that will come out during and after the shows to talk to you. They will take time for each and every person, young and old. They even cheer you on when you are running for your life trying to save a seat for you and your friends at a general admission concert (Thanks for having my back, Doug!).

These people have never seen Doug with his hands in the air and tears streaming down his face because he is being moved by the holy spirit. They have not seen Ryan with his head bowed and eyes closed in adoration of our Lord. They have never seen Tim and the emotion that comes over his face when he sings the line '...but today he walks beside me, for he knows what is ahead.' They have never seen the emotion that takes over Ernie as he sings 'Walk with me, Walk with me, Lest mine eyes no longer see....' or when he breaks into 'Then I'll join that chorus, in that great city!.' There is so much more to these wonderful guys than what meets the eye. Look at the looks on their faces in the picture below:
To SSQ: You guys are the best. You are all annoited byGod and called to do what you do. You all are so special to me and you hold a special place deep in my heart.

I felt led to type this blog. It doesn't just apply to SSQ. I just make a plea, I ask you, be careful judging people. You are not supposed to do it. Never put down someone because you do not like what they do, its not in your taste. Remember Romans 14:13. Don't let your words be the stumbling block between God and the many, many souls that he can win.

Love them ALL like Jesus,


Special Thank You goes to Jennifer. Thanks for the help. 


Jennifer said...

When you sent me that text message my heart dropped to the floor. I couldn't imagine how anyone could call MY FAVORITE group 'garbage'.

Gotta admit, I was a little fired up for the rest of the afternoon. After all, that guy just dissed my 'family'. After I calmed down a little, I started thinking about how the crowds stand to their feet when Ernie sings O What A Savior, how everyone cries when Doug sings Forgiven Again, etc...It's obvious that some people don't give them a chance.

Really sad, especially since that remark came from a "gospel quartet"...a remark of jealousy maybe???

I think you hit the nail on the head with this blog DJ. That's another thing that's great about SSQ...they have loyal fans who will always be there for them :-)

Anonymous said...

DJ, I'm sorry you had to deal with that reaction! I've never met anyone like that personally, but from other comments I've read online, I know there will always be people who have something against EHSS and will say unkind things. Why, I will never understand!

In the end God knows the truth and we know the truth about what these guys are about. They know who loves them and who will show up when it matters, and NOTHING will ever change that.

I totally agree with you - each of us is welcome to our own opinion, but just because we don't care for a certain style or type doesn't mean we have the right to say unkind things. We are talking about real people, with other people who love and care about them. And first impressions can turn out to be wrong once you really get to know a person. Good reminder to all of us! If someone wants to live their life that way, it's their loss. :(

Chin up, buddy! We've got your back! ;-)

Adam Wallace said...

I've come across people lik that alwo. It almost makes me mad when I hear comments like that.

Meg said...

Hey DJ,
Sorry to hear about your incounter. I had a similar one. However they didn't dis-EHSS they just told me that they didn't care for that style of music. At first I was upset but then thought everyone has their own opinions about their favorite music. I guess all I can say is pray for him. There is a really neat poem out there about "Judge Not". If I find it I'll do what I can to email it to ya. Its REALLY good.
**Also I'm glad that you mentioned about David in the bible dancing before the Lord. You done good with your bible refrences. ;)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that Dj. Hope you will pas over it. Please see my site and tell me what you thinck. It is