Friday, May 30, 2008

Signature Sound - Nashvile, TN

Ok, This is what happens when you have an excited SSQ fan, a mac computer with a built in camera, and two tickets to an upcoming concert......

......He gets a little excited. This whole experience has been a whirlwind it seems like. I met these guys at a very difficult time in my life. When God wasn't my center focus. He was there,
but he wasn't what my life was totally about. The message in EHSS's songs provoked me to study and pray more and I have since then become music minister of my church and became closer to God than I have ever been. 
I have met some fantastic people through the Message Board and made some life-long bonds I know. I am looking forward to seeing Jen, Lindsey and Ms. Linda in Nashville. Even though it is general admission and we will have to wait in line, I am ready for it and I would do it for these guys. Can't wait and I know it is going to be awesome! I want to leave you all with a verse that a dear friend of mine brought to light when he preached last wednesday night. It says: Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech,  in life, in love in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12. Christ is always at work. Are you ready to accept the challenge?

I am starting a little music player on the site. I am going to put one song on it each week. The one song that is on it will be the song that I am listening to that week. The song that is on there this week I will talk about below.

Please watch this video here. This song is wonderful. I know many of my readers are not CCM fans but this song is a good one. You really need to see it. Love Them Like Jesus.

Praising Him, 


Jennifer said...

We are looking forward to seeing you too DJ!!! Can't make any promises that we will behave ourselves though ;-)
Counting down the days!


Anonymous said...

Ha, love it! :) That other ticket is for me, right? (YEAH right :-P) Oh well, I can DREAM. hehe. I know you guys will have a fabulous night!

Anonymous said...

P.S. That's a neat song you have playing right now...I love the line that says "You don’t need the answers to all of life’s questions/Just know that He loves them and stay by their side" - good stuff. :)

DavidPlunk said...

Hannah, I know I love that song. I sang it at church this past week and had some folks crying because it really hit home for them. I know some CCM is wild and not really in my taste, but most of Casting Crowns songs really minister to my heart. Almost all of their songs are a sermon in themselves! Glad you liked it.