Saturday, January 19, 2008

I'm So Glad I'm a Part of The Family Of God!

My Heavenly Father has really touched me over the past few days and I feel such a closeness with other christians that makes me so glad to be a part of the family of God. Gloria and Bill Gaither wrote a wonderful song about belonging to the family of God and how precious it is, and I see it now more than ever. As a member of the Ernie Haase & Signature Sound Message Board, I have entered the greatest network of people, I believe, that I will ever know this side of heaven. Despite some of us having never met each other, we love each other and pray daily. As a person who has never seen EHSS in concert, they have really taken care of me. One of the most precious angels here on earth called me from the Toledo concert last night and allowed me to hear our guys it was magical and I felt the spirit of the Lord over the phone. Isn't it amazing how god touches us like that!?

I just want to praise God's name for all the wonderful blessings that he has given me already this year. I have made some amazing new friends in the family of God and he has blessed me with so many things, it is hard to mention them all. I sometimes feel like I am not serving him to the fullest of my ability, even when I am feeling like I am giving God all that I have. I just want to give him everything I am, everything I have been, and everything I will be. He sent his son to die on the cross for my sins. I think I should give him everything I have for him. I dont know how some people turn this gift away. Oh What a Savior we serve.

I enjoy writing these blogs and just being able to pour my thoughts out to you all. If you enjoy, leave me a comment. They really help encourage me when my days get down. Thank God for all of you. I am so Glad to be a part of The Family Of God!


HJ said...

Im also a member of the MB and love the guys of SSQ like they were family. So glad you got to hear them over the weekend. Hope and pray you are able to go to a concert soon yourself. It is an experience you will never forget!! GodSpeed!

Anonymous said...

Hey D.J.! I'm so happy you get to see the guys in just a few days! Seeing them in concert is truey a BIG blessing!

Jennifer said...

You are right, DJ....the MB has some of the greatest people! I have made so many new friends and I love each one of them dearly. Can't wait to actually meet you in Paducah. I feel like I already know ya ;-)