So what shall we say about this? If God be with us, who can defeat us?
Romans 8:31
Romans 8:31
Hello All! Well today has certainly been a wonderful day here in Tennessee. I have begun the second half of my Senior year in High School and I am looking forward to all the things that this year will bring! I have been reading a very good book by Rick Warren called 'The Purpose-Driven Life'. It has really helped me this week by showing me that th things that we do on this old earth, really are just preparing us for the things to come. I am only on the 5th chapter but it has helped me see life more clearly now and it really makes me want to serve the Lord more than I ever have before. Suddenly, things dont matter anymore compared to all the glory waiting me up in that heavenly land.
In the midst of reading this book, I have to ask myself, am I doing what God put me here for? I am not sure but every time that I pray, I ask God to show me what I should be doing for him. I feel like I am doing the right thing but sometimes I don't know. That is probably Satan trying to throw me off of what I should really be doing for my Lord. Southern Gospel music has really helped me get through some hard times recently with the messages in the songs. I know that whoever wrote these songs got the messages from our Lord. I believe the Lord knew that somewhere down the road, D.J. Plunk was going to need some encouragement, along with some other people as well. It is amazing how good God is to us and how important he made each of our lives to be. Sometimes when I think of how amazing God is, I don't think that I could do anything that would compare in order to receive his riches. And in actual reality, that is the truth. There is nothing that we can do for our Lord that would measure in comparison to anything close.
I hope that you all get the opportunity to read this book and see how important your lives are. I read is as a supplement to my bible and it really helps me understand things better. Our sermon this morning was about how the disciples were more concerned about God coming back and ruling on earth, they were missing out on 'The Great Commission', they were missing out on what they should really be doing for the Lord! I don't want us to miss our on what we should really be doing with our lives because truth be told, we are only here for so long and that is to do God's Will and I don't want to miss out on that do you?!
God Bless You All,
In His Service,
DJ Plunk
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